What is PBS?
PBS is a collaborative, assessment-based approach to developing effective interventions for problem behavior. The program emphasizes the use of proactive, educative, and reinforcement-based strategies to achieve meaningful
and durable behavior and lifestyle outcomes.
Click here for the Behavior Matrix
PBS At School
- Clear Expectation of Success.
- Teachers, staff, and students are able to state the expectations and rules.
- Students are taught the expectations and rules.
- Teachers continuously teach the expectations and rules.
- Teachers know what behaviors to manage (within classroom) and what behaviors the administration will manage (office referral).
- Students are rewarded for meeting the expectations and for following the rules.
Click here for Cafeteria Expectations
Click here for Hallway Expectations
Click here for Restroom Expectations
Click here for Classroom Expectations
PBS At Home
Use the School Expectations at Home
- Respect
- Integrity
- Safety
- Excellence
Make sure Consequences are
- Clearly stated without emotion
- Realistic and enforceable
- Predictable and consistent
- Age-appropriate
Set Clear Expectations
- Take time to explain your expectations - explain what the behavior "looks like".
- Practice "how to do" what you have asked.
- Make sure your child understands the directions - ask them to repeat the directions in their own words.
- Observe and discuss the results
Acknowledge your Child when they "do the right thing"
- Use verbal praise
- Recognize behavior with previously discussed reward
- Spend one-on-one time
- Play a game with your child
The Positive Behavior Support team in conjunction with faculty members at Milwee Middle School devised three key recognition programs as part of PBS within the school. These programs are designed to recognize those individuals who do the right thing in upholding the RISE expectations on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Teachers and administrators are responsible for acknowledging students by giving specific and positive feedback to students who are meeting school-wide expectations: these recognition programs are intended to complement this direct response to positive student behavior.
- Student of the Month
- Spartan Bucks and Spartan Buck Store
- Positive Behavior Referral
Spartan Buck Store